Why It Seems You Never Have Enough Storage Space

Cabinet JobsOne of the biggest complaints after moving into a new home is storage space. Most people feel that they can never have enough storage space. As Americans, we have a tendency to accumulate a wide variety of items, some of which may only be used once or twice a year. Even in a home that has lots of closets, it can be difficult to organize your stuff so that you can find it when you need it.

The Need for Decluttering and Organization

Most Americans have items in their home that they don’t really need. The decluttering movement has seen a recent surge, and for good reason. Studies have shown that people are much happier and less prone to depression and anxiety when their homes are decluttered and organized. This does not mean that you need to get rid of everything you own. On the contrary, it is more about making sure that you have a purpose for the things you keep and an organized place to keep them.

Maximize Your Storage Space

One of the biggest problems with storage space in homes is that space is not maximized. Most closets have only one upper shelf and a bar for hanging clothing or coats. The rest of the space is just open, and that can make organization extremely difficult. In addition, you may be able to increase your storage space by placing shelving and cubby holes in corners that are otherwise unused.

Total Design Source can design cabinets, shelves, and cubbies for all of the items and objects that are important to you. With our experienced design specialists, we can make use of every available space in your home to maximize your storage space and keep you organized so that you can live a happy, anxiety-free life.

If you are interested in learning more about our storage solutions, visit our website or contact us today for more information.